Posted: 2021-12-09
Last modified: 2021-12-09 @ 429af60

Morse Unicode

I have had a delightfully terrible idea: What if you could transmit unicode characters as Morse code?

Exploratory phase

I started out as most non-serious research starts out, by consulting my favorite search engines and online encyclopedias, to learn more about the basics of the subject at hand. Everyone knows about Morse code, but to implement my idea, I had to know1 Morse code.

Morse code is a variable width code, much like the UTF-8 encoding of the Unicode standard. You might see where I’m going with this, and yes, it is probably as bad of an idea as it sounds. But I’m not doing this because it’s practical.

Previous work

In my search I found one javascript library that I could not figure out the actual extended encoding for, and an April Fool’s thread from a Unicode mailing list.

The mailing list thread is interesting, but the proposed encoding has problems2. The main problem is that it is slightly incompatible with Morse code! For example: a full stop (.) in Morse code is .-.-.-, which in the April Fool’s encoding corresponds to the ASCII ENQ control character. And if you wanted to send a dash followed by a full stop (.-) in Morse, it would be -....- .-.-.-, which is ASCII carriage return! And that’s just simple Morse. If we’re working with Japanese Wabun code, the Wabun full stop is encoded as .-.-.., which in the April fool’s scheme clashes with ASCII EOT, the character sent when entering CTRL-D at a shell.

Standard Morse, extensions, and extending

I will base my thought-experiment on international (ITU) Morse code, as opposed to the American or Gerke variants. This code consists of the letters A to Z in the standard latin alphabet (with no distinction between uppercase and lowercase), the digits 0 to 9, the punctuation marks .,?’!/()&:;=+-_"$@, some control characters (called prosigns), and a whole bunch of non-latin extensions. The list I based my research on can be found on Wikipedia

In order to extend Morse code, I needed to find a sequence of ‘dits’ and ‘dahs’ that had not been used before. Ideally it would be as short as possible, to facilitate high bandwidth sending of 💩 over telegraph. The first shortest unused code I could find was -..--. It does not clash with either the ITU Morse code, or any other Morse code for non-Latin alphabets. I later found out that it does in fact clash with the character for ユ in Wabun code. After some more searching I found another code that doesn’t clash with this one either, though: -......

So -..... could be used as some sort of control character (prosign) to signify that what follows is encoded Unicode. I’m taking a page out of Wabun code’s book here, as when Wabun code is intermixed with International Morse Code, a prosign is used to indicate the beginning and end of Wabun. Let’s use the reverse of our new prosign as an ending prosign: .....-. This doesn’t clash with anything either.

At this point I examined the length of each Morse code letter. The shortest letters are a single ‘dit’ or ‘dah’, and it goes all the way up to eight (........, signifying error or correction). So if all Unicode Morse codes are encoded with a combination of groups of eight ‘dits’ and ‘dahs’, they cannot be confused for a regular Morse code letter (except for the error code, but I’ll get to that). In other words: we can use standard 8-bit bytes!

Code points, code units, glyphs, and grapheme clusters, oh my!

So the next step was figuring out what the heck Unicode actually is, and the different ways there are of encoding it. In so doing, I was immediately hit with words like grapheme clusters and code points and I kept thinking “dangit can someone please just tell me what those mean!?”, but eventually figured it out despite some similar-sounding terms and preconceptions I had about text and computers.

This is my understanding in short:

  • Code point: A number assigned to a grapheme by the Unicode Consortium.
  • Grapheme: Smallest visual unit of text. Can be for example a character, or a combining diacritic.
  • Grapheme cluster: A collection of graphemes that make up one rendered visual unit of text. For example: ȧ̩͖̦̗̹̘̟ͥ̇̂͝ is a grapheme cluster made up of the letter and a bunch of diacritics.


A short description of the variable width UTF-8 encoding follows here. Let’s use the code point for 🦀 (U+1F980) as an example.

If the highest bit of a UTF-8 byte is 0, the byte is interpreted as ASCII. If it is 1, the number of leading ones describes the number of bytes the encoded code point takes up. Followup bytes after the first one start with 10. Our example, the crab emoji, consists of four bytes, and thus looks like the following:

11110xxx 10xxxxxx 10xxxxxx 10xxxxxx

The x bits are simply filled in with the bits from the code point (0x1F980 = 1 1111 1001 1000 0000), and there we have it!3

Now we need to decide whether a 1 should be a ‘dit’ or a ‘dah’. Remember the error/correction prosign? We want to be able to distinguish this from the ASCII null (00000000), which means that the ASCII null should be made up of 8 ‘dahs’. Eight ‘dits’ (ones) is not a valid UTF-8 byte, so we should be fine with this small kludge of the UTF-8 Morse encoding. So encoding our crab emoji, we get the following Morse code sequence:

-..... ....---- .--..... .-.--..- .------- .....-

That’s a crab in Morse! We have now extended Morse code in a way that is compatible with the original, the non-latin alphabet versions, and Wabun code. Furthermore, since UTF-8 is ASCII-compatible, we’re backwards compatible in more ways than one. This was a silly exercise, but I had a lot of fun nerd-sniping myself.


You better believe I wrote a hacky Morse <-> Unicode converter! If you want to use it/read terrible Rust code, you can find it here.

  1. Well, I had to look up the tables of codes. ↩︎

  2. I am aware that it’s a joke, but I’m trying to do this for real ;). ↩︎

  3. The Wikipedia page for UTF-8 is good for a more thorough understanding of the encoding. ↩︎